Stephen McGarry is an attorney in Houston, Texas. He looks at the world and sees its magic which he tries to replicate in his works of art. His work is diverse because the world is complex. The images try to reflect our illusions beyond what we may see.
McGarry has a broad background in international law, business and the internet which have contributed to his vision. Travels and experience in more than 100 countries provides the context for his perspective. Founding and building two of the world’s largest global professional services networks, World Services Group (WSG) and Lex Mundi, has required appreciating thousands of different points of view.

This perspective has also allowed McGarry to spot other future trends and capitalize on their development. In 1995 he founded , The Comprehensive Legal Site.  now has more than 10 million pages of  content covering  providing information from 196 countries, 15,000 cities and on 250 practice areas. Its directory of expert witnesses includes experts on 700 diseases and medical conditions. ranks in the top six most trafficked legal sites in the world.

All of these activities have contributed to the works in the Prometheus perspective.